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WS_FTP Server

Software FTP e SFTP utilizado por milhares de equipes de TI em todo o mundo.

Progress WS_SFTP Server é a série de servidores FTP / SFTP mais popular da indústria, com clientes em todo o mundo. O WS_FTP Server oferece os recursos certos para realizar o trabalho e manter os custos gerenciáveis. Obtenha um software de transferência de arquivos de alta velocidade e fácil de usar, com integração do Microsoft Active Directory, permissões de pastas e suporte para protocolos FTP, FTPS e SFTP. Mover um arquivo de A para B não poderia ser mais fácil.


Support for FTP, FTPS and SFTP protocols

 Folder permissions based on user  or group accounts

Ad-hoc package module and Outlook plug-in

Free Multi- Factor  Authentication Included

Support for Password Policy and Account Locks

Web transfer modules for HTTPS support 

Service Hosted in European Data Centers 

Support for SHA2 and SCP2

FTP and SFTP Client Licenses Included 

Get the WS_FTP server for any scenario

Progress WS_FTP Server solutions are available in three powerful versions to meet virtually any requirement.


Unlimited users and storage

Microsoft AD Authentication

User Groups and Permissions

5 x WS_FTP Pro clients



Support for SHA2


FIPS 140-2 Accreditation​


25 x ad-hoc user accounts


High availability optional

Web Transfer Module



LDAP Authentication




Unlimited ad-hoc users

See our DEMO in action!

We offer individual web-based demonstrations of our solutions,
If you want to get a better understanding in a live environment, we'll be happy to demonstrate the capabilities of the solution.

Watch the video of overview

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Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

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