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Flowmon APM

Application Performance Monitoring

O Flowmon APM é um sistema para medir a experiência do usuário e o desempenho de aplicativos essenciais aos negócios. Ele acelera a solução de problemas e oferece dados sólidos sobre uso, capacidade, taxa de erro e SLA, ajudando assim a evitar a rotatividade de clientes e a criar condições para que os funcionários trabalhem de forma produtiva.


Provides critical intelligence to identify the cause of problems – network, web application or database.


Know the advantages for your business.

ROI in weeks

Don't lose revenue from degrading critical applications. Flowmon is time and cost efficient, often breaking even within weeks.

NetOps and DevOps together

The system clearly shows whether incidents originate from the network or the application and helps both teams streamline the investigation.

Universal implementation

Flowmon APM is application server, database, or operating system independent and suitable for heterogeneous environments.

Real-time information

Prevent the danger from escalating and act before users start to degrade.

Test the solution for free!

We offer individual demos of our solutions. Contact our experts to test Flowmon in your environment.

Flowmon Application Performance Monitoring Solution Overview


Para um atendimento personalizado, entre em contato com um especialista ou solicite um orçamento gratuito

Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

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